19 July 2012

Why We Stand with the Nuns

The Centre for American Progress has a great article on the recent 'Nuns on a Bus' tour, in which a group of women religious toured several states to bring attention to the cruelty of the cuts to programmes for the poor in the US House budget drafted by the Catholic Rep., Paul Ryan.

Ryan's budget, which enacts deep cuts to important social programmes to subsidise quite significant tax benefits to the wealthy, was supposedly based on his 'Catholic' principles, but owes near exclusive allegiance to Ayn Rand; very happily, the American Catholic bishops (USCCB) issued a strong rebuke to Ryan for his abandonment of Catholic social teaching.

American nuns, recently investigated and rebuked by the Vatican, in particular for 'spending too much time on issues of social justice and health care' and not enough on 'abortion and proper Catholic doctrine,' have taken up the issue with great verve. We applaud the sisters for their courage and prophetic witness for the least. Carry on, sisters!

The article can be found here.

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